Bionic Finger Project by Chloe Entwistle
Bionic Limbs


Issue How to Solve
The code I uploaded doesn't work. There are a few possibilities for this one.
  • Have you checked that the code is correct? Are there semicolons where they're meant to be, and is everything spelt correctly?
  • Do all of your parts work? Sometimes parts are faulty, and you might need to replace them.
  • Have you connected all of the wires correctly? Do they correspond with the pin in your code?
My Arduino Nano won't turn on.
  • Check that the battery pack is properly connected.
  • Check that your battery pack isn't faulty
  • Check that the batteries aren't faulty.
My Servo won't turn/spin.
  • Check that it isn't a faulty Servo
  • Make sure the code is correct, because it might not be connected.
  • Check that the wire is connected to the correct pin.